Unlike Popeye arms, which bulge in all the wrong places, yoga arms don't really bulge at all, but rather undulate smoothely like the way a chataranga melds into a down dog. It's officially beach seaso ...
As women, we're naturally prone to complaining about our bodies. Either our pores are too big or our boobs are too small or our abs are not small enough. There's really no limit to what we bash oursel ...
We love yoga: it prepares us for the day ahead and stretches out any residual tension in our shoulders and back. But waking up at 6 AM in the morning and doing that first down dog can be...rough. That ...
As a yoga practitioner you must be unafraid to bend your body like a German pretzel into all matter of formations, forgoing that bitter mistress named gravity and find your own center of balance inste ...
In this tutorial, we learn how to master the downward facing dog pose. When you do this pose, you will be opening up your entire body. Start by centering yourself for a few moments and center yourself ...
We'rea already in the thick of beach season, so you've probably already hit the surf and sand at least a few times now (especially if you live near the coast) and have relished in the pretty waves, wa ...
Whether you like 'em or not, down dogs are like the bread and butter of any yoga practice, from vinyasa to ashtanga. Which is why it is so important to do them correctly (gut pulled in, looking at you ...
Core strength is often associated with the practice of pilates, but having a strong midsection is just as important in pilates' sister practice, yoga. With all the flow between down dogs and vinyasas, ...
In this video, Dina Prioste shows us how to stretch to become more flexible. Start off laying down on your stomach with your forehead down and feet together. As you inhale lift your chest off the floo ...
Dina Prioste shows us how to do breath of fire with yoga in this video. Start off by sitting in a comfortable seated position on top of a blanket or pillow, with Kleenex close by. Begin by taking a de ...