Yoga How-Tos

How To: Do a surya namaskara with proper breathing

Surya namaskara is a very common sequence in any yoga class. Surya namaskara is better known as a sun salutation. This instructional yoga-how to video demonstrates a sun salutation sequence that you can practice at home. Watch as it also shows you the proper breathing sequence to do during the sun salutation.

How To: Do bakasana or crane pose for yoga

The Crane pose is one of the easiest arm balance postures to perform. Place the hands on the mat in front of you. Bend the elbows out a little and place the inside of the knees or upper thighs on top of the triceps (the outer upper arms). Watch this how to video tutorial to see the bakasana or carne pose in action.

How To: Practice the side crane yoga pose properly

Parsva bakasana is more commonly known as crane pose. This posture requires good upper body strength. There is a way to get into the pose by placing the elbow into the sides of the ribs. The lower arms bones (ulna and radius) act as supporting beams and the yoga pose side crane needs less arm strength. Watch this how to video tutorial to learn the basics of moving into side crane.

How To: Open up the muscle tension in hips with yoga

Open your life by opening your hips. Tension in your hips may lead to low back pain and an overall tightness in the way we walk and the way we approach each day. Opening your hip area will reduce the stress in your body, improve your balance, and create a lightness that you can take into your day. Watch this video yoga tutorial and learn some moves to open up your hips.

How To: Practice a yoga back bend routine with Deborah York

A healthy back is the key to a healthy body. Yoga backbends stimulates the spine and spinal nerves, relaxes the lower back and strengthens the legs. Deborah York guides the more experienced yoga viewer in a healthy backbend routine, which stretches and tones the abdominal region, stimulates the spine nervous system and helps to release tension in the lower back. Watch this video yoga tutorial and learn how to do a back bend routine to keep yourself healthy.

How To: Practice hotel room yoga with Tara Stiles

Here are some yoga moves you can do in your hotel room to keep you feeling great during your travels! Just because you're on vacation or on a business trip doesn't mean you can't practice a little bit of yoga to keep yourself fit and healthy. Watch this video fitness tutorial and learn how to practice yoga in a hotel room.

How To: Open the shoulders and chest with prenatal yoga

During pregnancy the natural curves of the spine become exaggerated causing the lower back to sway as well as the upper back and shoulders to round. This rolling forward of the shoulders causes the ribcage to collapse down compressing the lungs and diaphragm which results in a breathless feeling along with feeling like there is very little space left for the baby. Another unfortunate result of the ribcage compressing the stomach area is the stomach acid gets pushed up the esophagus resulting ...

How To: Open hips with prenatal yoga poses

This yoga how-to video tutorial demonstrates prenatal yoga poses to help open the hips. Prenatal yoga hip opening poses help to facilitate the opening of the pelvis to prepare for the baby to descend through the birth canal. They increase flexibility in the muscles that attach to the pelvis that will need to be elastic during labor and delivery. When the hips are more open it allows for the sacrum and pelvic to be better aligned. This will make daily activities like walking, sitting, standing...

How To: Alleviate back pain with prenatal yoga

Back pain is a common discomfort that women experience during and after pregnancy. Though a short, effective standing and seated series, this yoga how to video concentrates on alleviating some of these common aches and pains. Side bending poses help release lower back pain by stretching the latissimus dorsi (lower back) muscles. Forward bend and hip openers release and extend the lower back, hip and hamstring muscles. Twisting poses help stretch and release the back and shoulder muscles, crea...

How To: Take years off your body with SELF Magazine and yoga

In this fitness how-to video SELF Magazine demonstrate how to invigorate yourself and sculpt your body with yoga techniques. Watch as the editor of SELF helps you take year off your body with a few poses. Learn to do yoga warrior, happy baby with chest press, staff, bridge, tree, thunderbolt, triangle and finally child's pose. Increase flexibility, decrease stress, rev your metabolism and sculpt sexy muscles with traditional yoga moves in an anti-aging yoga routine.

How To: Practice yoga for PMS with Self Magazine

Yoga not only helps with body strength and flexibility but it can also help easy pre-menstral syndrome. In this fitness how to video SELF Magazine features yoga positions for PMS. Watch and learn how to decrease the bloating and cramps with seated twists, wind pose, cat pose, bow pose, reclining angle, crocodile pose, bridge, thunderbolt, half shoulder stand, rag doll, modified cobra pose and finally child's pose.

How To: Balance your arms with the hummingbird yoga pose

Hummingbirds are very graceful and balanced when they are flying around. You too can be well balanced and graceful. This how to video demonstrates how to do the hummingbird pose for yoga. Although this arm balancing pose looks super difficult, here's an easy way to get into it with ease. The hummingbird yoga pose is sure to become one of your favorites. Balance your arms with the hummingbird yoga pose.

How To: Open the chest muscles with a 2 minute yoga headstand

If you want to work your shoulders, upper arms, and upper back all at the same time, you've got to try doing a two-minute headstand. It's ok if you've never done one in your life or if you can't balance upsidedown. Check out this yoga how-to video tutorial and do your headstand in front of the wall. You can rest your feet against the wall and focus on staying like this for two minutes. If you want, work on moving your feet away from the wall and balance for two minutes. Whichever variation yo...

How To: Open the hips and lower back with a scorpion yoga pose

If you run, you know that running tightens your hip flexors and lower back. There are certain yoga poses that focus on opening this areas. This yoga how-to video tutorial demonstrates how to do the scorpion pose. Scorpion is a yoga pose that's actually a balancing backbend. It's feels amazing on the front of your body and your spine, but it's a really difficult pose to get into, let alone hold long enough to get a good stretch. You can do it using a ball, but here's another way to do it, usin...

How To: Practice a warrior triangle yoga sequence

Need to warm up and open those hips? As you know yoga requires a lot of strength and flexibility. Watch this how to video tutorial as our host demonstrates how to do a warrior triangle sequence. Try this sequence that includes warrior pose and triangle pose variations. Practice a warrior triangle yoga sequence.

How To: Practice the backpack yoga pose with a partner

Who says yoga is done on an individual basis, try this yoga pose with a partner. Watch this how to video and learn how to do a backpack pose. The backpack pose is a great way to stretch your back and lower body. This is a fun thing to do with a friend to stretch out your spine and hamstrings. Practice the backpack yoga pose with a partner.

How To: Open tight hips with a hip and hamstring yoga sequence

Need to open up and stretch those tight hips and hamstrings? As you know yoga poses require a great deal of flexibility and strength. Check out this yoga how-to video tutorial to learn a quick hip and hamstring sequence that will help stretch and open up your lower body . Open tight hips with a hip and hamstring yoga sequence.

How To: Use a medicine ball for a yoga forearm stand

Forearm stands are one of the toughest poses to do since it requires both strength and balance. When you lean you belly on an exercise ball, it supports your weight so you can get the feeling of what it's like to be balancing on your forearms. Watch this yoga how to video tutorial to learn how to use a medicine ball to help you perfect the forearm stand. Use a medicine ball for a yoga forearm stand.

How To: Practice yoga jump throughs from Down dog with blocks

Having a hard time getting the jump through from Down Dog to a seated position? Try using blocks. This yoga how to video tutorial demonstrates the proper way to go jump throughs with blocks. Blocks are no just for this particular Down Dog pose, you can also use supportive blocks to help you in any other pose when you have not achieved the right level of flexibility and strength. Practice yoga jump throughs from Down dog with blocks.

How To: Move from standing to lying down yoga poses

Vinyasas are the movements that link poses together to create a fluid dance. This yoga how-to video tutorial demonstrates how to get from a standing position to one where you're lying down on your belly. Watch and follow along to practice moving from a standing yoga pose to a cobra pose. Move from standing to lying down yoga poses.

How To: Practice the yoga camel pose on a medicine ball

Yoga offers great exercises that help stretch your entire body. One particular pose that is especially helpful for stretching your back is the camel pose. If it is too extreme for your back try using a medicine ball. This yoga how-to video tutorial demonstrates how to use an exercise ball to stretch your back with this extreme version of a yoga camel pose. Practice the yoga camel pose on a medicine ball.

How To: Move from bound headstand to double arm headstand

Hey all you yogis and non-yogis out there challenge yourself with this core strengthening yoga pose. The latest yoga challenge is called the double arm headstand. Watch this yoga how to video as our host demonstrates the proper way to move from a bound headstand into a double arm headstand. All you have to do during the yoga pose is release your grasp, sneak your arm in the hole between your ear and your shoulder, sneak in the other warm and grab on to opposite elbows. Practice transitioning ...

How To: Start with yoga beginner poses

Now that the holidays are over, you'll want to work off some of the calories you've accrued during the festivities. Take a look at this instructional video and learn how to perform some basic yoga positions. This exercise routine will help you to get back into shape in no time.

How To: Do yoga sun salutations

A yoga sun salutation is a series of flowing yoga poses often used to warm up for a yoga routine. Learn how to do yoga sun salutations with tips from a yoga instructor in this free yoga lesson video series.