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This video is a demonstration by B.K.S. Iyengar on different inhaling and exhaling techniques. An exposition of why breath is king of the mind is followed by a demonstration of the sound of proper inh ...

Doing a low back relief exercise can make your body feel more relaxed, and stretch out your muscles. First, lay down on your back with your arms at a T, and cross your right leg over your left. Deep i ...

Dina Prioste teaches viewers how to do a half frog stretch out. Now, lie down on your stomach with your elbows right under your shoulders. Now grab your left leg and pull this towards your right butt ...

We all know that at thend of a looooonng workday, there's nothing better than faceplanting your bed and blocking it all out until it starts all over again tomorrow. Make the most of your bed time by l ...

The heron pose in yoga was created expressly to introduce yoga beginners into the intense hamstring stretches that characterize almost all yoga exercises and to keep yoga veterans lithe and Gumby-like ...

Chiropractors always come home from a hard day's work with a smile on their face because so many adults have back pain that just won't go away. While you could blame lower back pain on sitting down fo ...

Ah, the down dog. If you're a yoga aficionado, you either love it or you hate it. Either way you've done it millions and millions of times. Every day. But did you know there are also infinite variatio ...

The name Cow Face pose has probably got you asking, what does this yoga pose do? What doesn't it do? Find relief from back pain, improve flexibility in the neck and shoulders, feel invigorated and cal ...

If tension is bothering you, take some time to relax and let the stress melt away by practicing the Reversed Corpse pose, or Adavasana. This simple exercise can help you relax your body and mind, by f ...

If you are interested in rejuvenating your tired legs, relieving your varicose veins, or simply finding the right pose for meditation, watch this video and learn how to sit in the Swastikasana, or Aus ...