Active Yoga Posts

How To: Do Warm-Up Yoga Poses

Yoga posturing sequences are a succession of postures intended to flow together, one following the next. This is most commonly referred to as vinyasa or a personal yoga flow. Use these relaxing poses to release tension and stress from the entire body. Remember, the key to yoga is gentle, deep breathing and a clear mind.

How To: Breathe with B.K.S. Iyengar

This video is a demonstration by B.K.S. Iyengar on different inhaling and exhaling techniques. An exposition of why breath is king of the mind is followed by a demonstration of the sound of proper inhalation and exhalation.

How To: Do a Yoga Twist to Release the Lower Back

Doing a low back relief exercise can make your body feel more relaxed, and stretch out your muscles. First, lay down on your back with your arms at a T, and cross your right leg over your left. Deep inhale and when you exhale, let your knees drop to your right. As you are doing this, turn your left pinky finger to the wall behind you. When you inhale, go back to your regular position. The left shoulder should stay down and the outer edge of the left foot should go up to the ceiling. Keep repe...

How To: Do a Half Frog Stretch Out

Dina Prioste teaches viewers how to do a half frog stretch out. Now, lie down on your stomach with your elbows right under your shoulders. Now grab your left leg and pull this towards your right butt cheek. You can also lay all the way down on the floor. You can also bring the heel outside of the hip if you are very flexible. This is a great stretch for your quad and hip. This will stretch the entire front of your body as well as your core. The more open you get with this pose, you can do bot...

How To: Increase height through yoga stretching exercises

Want to increase your height? Well watch this fitness instructional video and learn how through some simple yoga stretching exercises you will seem taller. Having the right posture is key to how tall or short you seem and you will learn all this by watching this yoga stretching instructional video. Seem taller and improve your posture by simply doing some easy yoga stretching a couple of days a week. So if you want to seem taller watch this instructional video.

How To: Do yoga poses for a more flexible body

Yoga is great for improving flexibility, but if you are truly stiff and locked up, there are specific poses that can help you move forward more quickly. Flexibility is not hard if you know which poses to practice and how to practice. Many yoga teachers will tell you to take it easy, be safe, and take your time. Yoga can work miracles, but you have to work too. Learn how to do yoga poses to get a more flexible body.

How To: Perform breath of fire

The breath of fire is used in Kundalini Yoga both in meditation and in physical exercises. It is a quick powerful breath through the nose. This video is a demonstration of how to learn to perform breath of fire properly.

How To: Perform a yoga tripod headstand pose

Perfecting the right headstand pose in yoga can be a complicated process. You need to be sure that you are practicing the right procedures before you accomplish the headstand so that you do not hurt yourself and so that you can hold the yoga pose for the full duration. This segment will help guide you into it safely.

How To: Do a yoga arm balance crow pose

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to do a arm balance crow yoga pose. Begin by twisting your wrist back to face your fingers to your knees. Feel a deep stretch and take about 5-8 deep breathes. Then go into an easy forward bend, with your hip-width apart and your knees bent. Place your hands flat onto the floor and tuck your chin into your chest. In that position, move forward by looking up and going onto the balls of your feet. Then return to the starting position. This video will be...

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