Yoga How-Tos

How To: Work a headstand into your yoga routine

In this free video yoga lesson, you'll learn how to integrate a headstand exercise into your yoga routine. With yoga, as with any physical fitness system, a basic mastery of proper technique is essential for both maximizing the effectiveness of your workouts and avoiding accidental injury. For more information, and to get started using this yoga exercise yourself, watch this handy home-fitness how-to.

How To: Properly perform the triangle pose with Yogatic

In this tutorial, we learn how to properly perform the triangle pose. Start off on your hands and knees, then place your knees further back behind your hips. Next, bring your shoulders back and go into a downward facing dog position. From here, lift your arms away from the floor, then take a step forward with your right leg between your hands. Then, drop your left heel to the floor and place your right hand next to your right foot. Bring your right hip back and straighten the leg. The left hi...

How To: Understand Full Wheel alignment

In this tutorial, we learn how to understand Full Wheel alignment. This is a very difficult move to do, so make sure you set up properly before you do this. Your body needs to be warmed up before you attempt to do this. Prepare for the post by laying down on a mat, then placing a couple blocks underneath your rear end. This will help stretch your body out. When you're done, curl your tailbone up and now your body will want to curve into the wheel. From here, push the hands down by the shoulde...

How To: Do the Bakasana pose in yoga

In this tutorial, we learn how to do the Bakasana pose in yoga. First, take a deep breath and crouch down on your feet. Now, keep deep breathing and bring your arms out in front of you. Lean forward, and place all of your weight on your hands. After this, lift your feet up off the floor while they are still crouched inwards towards the abdomen. Take several deep breaths while you are in this position. Make sure you aren't placing your weight on your feet, or you won't be able to lift them up ...

How To: Do a yoga handstand correctly

In this Fitness video tutorial you will learn how to do a yoga handstand correctly. Bend forward and place both your hands on the ground. The fingers should be pointing forward and the palms should be flat on the ground. The shoulders should be naturally in to the body. They must not be stretched. Keep both the legs bent at the knees. Now lift one leg and practice kicking slowly with the other leg and pulling the navel in towards the spine. And eventually the full body will lift up and go bac...

How To: Create your very own, personal yoga sequence

In order to create your own personal yoga sequence and to personalize your yoga routine, you will need to remember to ask yourself about your needs. Remember that you shouldn't just do it as a routine. Having a routine is important, because it will encourage you to do your exercises everyday. However, you have to remember to be in the moment and to give your body what it is asking for and demanding.

How To: Prepare for a yoga backbend by lying on a roll

As a yoga practitioner you must be unafraid to bend your body like a German pretzel into all matter of formations, forgoing that bitter mistress named gravity and find your own center of balance instead. Once you're an advanced yogi you can do such crazy poses as balancing your entire body at a 45 degree incline on just your two hands.

How To: Master the downward facing dog pose with Yogatic

In this tutorial, we learn how to master the downward facing dog pose. When you do this pose, you will be opening up your entire body. Start by centering yourself for a few moments and center yourself. Place your hands on your stomach and feel yourself deep breathe. Start to clear your mind and stop thinking about your problems and issues for the day. Stay in this seated position for several minutes before you come into downward facing dog. When you get into this position, feel yourself breat...

How To: Stretch to become more flexible

In this video, Dina Prioste shows us how to stretch to become more flexible. Start off laying down on your stomach with your forehead down and feet together. As you inhale lift your chest off the floor keeping your feet pressed against the floor. As you inhale take it up even higher and as you exhale take it back down. As a different variation, as you inhale take your feet and arms off the ground taking it as high as you can as you inhale. Exhale and bring the body back down. Hold the pose as...

How To: Do kapalabhati breathing or breath of fire for yoga

Dina Prioste shows us how to do breath of fire with yoga in this video. Start off by sitting in a comfortable seated position on top of a blanket or pillow, with Kleenex close by. Begin by taking a deep breath and exhale, do this three times. Now, take a deep inhale in and do 15 exhalations. Do this 5 times, increasing your exhalations to 20 on the last round. Come back to your regular breathing when you are done and mucus will have been cleared from your head. You can increase your exhalatio...

How To: Do a variation of a yoga supine spinal twist

In this video, we learn how to do a variation of a yoga supine spinal twist with Dina Prioste. Start by laying down and your knees bent up with your feet as wide as the mat. Let your knees drop over to the right side and cross the bottom foot on the top of the top knee and bring your left arm out. Now, look over the left shoulder and deep breathe. Do this for several seconds and then continue to do on the other side of the body. Remember to focus on your breathing and relax while you're doing...

How To: Do a yoga heart gate pose

In this video, Dina Prioste shows us how to do a heart gate yoga pose. Make sure you are warmed up before you come into this exercise, so you won't pull a muscle. Begin in a basic side angle pose, starting in warrior 2. Now, take the right elbow onto the right thigh and sweep the left arm over to the left ear. Make sure your core is straight and your spine is long. Now, lean down into the right side of the body while keeping the left arm high. To take it into a deeper stretch, look over your ...

How To: Do a yoga triangle pose with tips on proper form

Dina Prioste shows us how to do a triangle pose in this tutorial. Start in a wide stance, turn your back foot in and take your arms out wide with both legs straight. As you exhale reach towards the end of the mat on the right side and reach your arm down as far as you can. Now, take your left arm straight up and look up or look to the side. Remember it's not how far you are reaching, it's how open your chest is. Remember to deep breathe for several seconds while doing this, then do it on both...

How To: Do a yoga camel pose and rabbit pose

In this video, we learn how to do a yoga camel and rabbit pose with Dina Prioste. Make sure you warm up before you start this, so you don't pull a muscle. First, start on your knees and your toes tucked under. Your hands should be on your lower back, then inhale and lift your chest up to the ceiling. Take a few breaths here, then get out of the post and sit back on your heels. Now, sit on your knees again and do the same exercise, except with putting your arms on the back of your thighs or he...

How To: Do a yoga parsvottanasana to stretch the hamstrings

In this tutorial, we learn how to do a yoga parsvottanasana to stretch the hamstrings with Dina Prioste. First, place your hands against the wall with your feet stretch out 3 feet apart. Press your hands to the wall and stretch your legs out, you should feel a stretch through your hamstrings when you are doing this. If you want a deeper stretch, bring blocks on either side of your front foot and push your hands onto the block as far as you can while folding your body into the leg. This is a g...

How To: Improve yoga backbends

In this video, Dina Prioste shows us how improve yoga back bends. Start by laying down on your stomach and have your legs into the air. Put socks on your feet and grab onto your socks that are on your feet. Now, lift your upper body and pull your feet towards your head. Push your elbows into the air and make sure they are pushed straight ahead of you. Using a tube sock with this exercise will work best. You can also try using the socks while doing a pigeon pose, just make sure to use a sock t...

How To: Do a quick morning yoga workout

In this tutorial, Dina Prioste shows us how to do a quick morning yoga workout. Start in a tabletop position and inhale while looking up, then exhale while looking down. Make sure to raise and lower your back as you are doing these. These are also said to be the "cow" and "cat" poses, so you should look like these animals as you are doing these. Keep doing these exercises for several minutes, remembering to inhale and exhale and stretch out your body at the same time. When finished, sit and r...

How To: Firm your booty with a yoga wall-sit chair pose

In this video, Dina Prioste shows us how to your booty with a yoga wall-sit chair pose. Start off by sitting flat against the wall with your feet hip width apart. Hold this position for a few breaths. You shouldn't be sitting on an actual chair, just an invisible one. Now, grab a book and place it between your thighs, then squeeze as hard as you can while still breathing and focusing as much as you can. When finished, take a break and get back into the position and do that same move once agai...

How To: Relax using the mom's yogic breathing exercise

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to do a mom's yoga breathing exercise. Begin by sitting down on your knees and spread your fingers wide apart. Take a deep inhale, as you exhale open your mouth wide and stick out your tongue. When you exhale, roll your eyes up and look up to the ceiling. Continue inhaling and exhaling for this exercise. This video will benefit those viewers who are interested in health and fitness, and would like to learn a yoga exercise that will help improve the bl...

How To: Use a strap to assist in yoga stretching

In this video, Dina Prioste shows us how to use a strap while stretching with yoga. Start off laying down with your feet against a wall and toes pointed to the ceiling. Now, take your strap and extend your right leg up. Keep your left foot pressed against the wall. Next, pull the strap and flex your leg closer towards you until you feel a stretch. Do this on both sides of the body and make sure to keep your body flat against the floor. For a harder exercise, lean your leg to the right hand si...

How To: Do a yoga downward dog pose with pushup variations

In this video, Dina Prioste shows us how to do a yoga downward dog pose with pushup variations. Start off in a plank pose with your hands directly underneath your shoulders, then into the downward dog position. Inhale as you go into plank and exhale as you go into the downward dog position. Keep your elbows in line with your shoulders and don't lower your elbows more than 90 degrees. The next variation of this is to put your hands shoulder width apart in downward facing down and push up and d...

How To: Do a yoga resting crocodile pose

In order to do the resting crocodile pose, you will need to lie on your stomach. Separate your legs. Space your legs greater than hip distance apart. Your toes should be pointed. Cross your arms. Your arms and chest should form a triangle with the floor as the base. Rest your head on your hands and breathe deeply. As you inhale this will work your lower abdominal muscles, while it sends more oxygen to the cells of your body. This pose is a recommended pose for anyone who is rehabbing muscle o...

How To: Stay awake at work using yoga exercises

To use yoga exercises to wake up and stay awake at work, begin by doing breathing stretches: i.e. cow to cat stretches. Inhale, expanding your chest out for the cow stretch, and exhale concaving your chest into the cat stretch. Next, do side stretches from left to right. Repeat these. Next, add 4 punches: left jab, right jab, undercut, and undercut. Extend your arms fully. Repeat all of the steps together.

How To: Stretch tight hips with a floor exercise

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to a hip stretching exercise. Begin by lying down on the floor with your knees bent. Then cross one ankle over the opposite knee. As you flex the foot, grab the back of your thigh to bring the leg in towards you. Keep the crossed foot flexed and bring the opposite foot away from your shoulder for a deep stretch. Do the same on the opposite side. This video will benefit those viewers who are interested in health and fitness, and would like to learn an ...

How To: Do a yoga crane pose for arm and core strength

In this video, Dina Prioste shows us how to do a yoga crane pose for arm and core strength. First, start off with your knees bent and your arms out in front of you. Now bend your elbows and place your back legs into your arms. Now, balance on your arms and push your legs into the air while still pushing them into the arms. You may want to practice this with a blanket in front of you just in case you fall forward. Remember as you try doing this to wedge your knees into the armpit as far as you...

How To: Do a yoga eight angle or astavakrasana pose

Dina Prioste shows us how to do a yoga eight angle or astavakrasana pose in this video. To do this, make sure your arms are strong and you are stretched out. Now, get into a push up position placing your elbows at a 90 degree angle. Next, lay back down and sit in a position where you can rock your right knee. Then place your right knee over your right shoulder and place your hands on the floor to lift your butt up off the floor. Next, hook your feet and lean forward so it feels like you are f...

How To: Do a yoga deep hip and groin stretch

In this video, Dina Prioste shows us how to do a yoga deep hip and groin stretch. Begin in a wide straddle position with your knees slightly bent and your feet turned out. Now, bend over the right knee and stretch out your left leg, keeping it extended and active. Breathe for several seconds while in this position. You can put your hands in a prayer position here if you are comfortable. Once finished, go over to the other side of the body and continue to deep breathe. You can add this into yo...

How To: Do a yoga headstand using two variation

In this video, Dina Prioste shows us how to do a yoga headstand. There are two different ways to do headstands, so choose which one is easiest for you. Get down on your elbows and put the crown of your head on the floor, similar to if you were doing a downward dog. Now, walk your feet and slowly straighten your legs until they are straight up in the air. The second way to do this, is to get in the same position, except tip toe your feet in until your legs are straight up in the air. Hold this...

How To: Do a yoga seated spinal twist to unwind and detox

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to do a seated spinal twist yoga exercise. Begin by placing both butt cheeks onto the floor. Then bend your right knee and place it on the floor. Now cross the left ankle over the right thigh. Place your left hand behind your back. Inhale as you raise your right hand up and exhale as you twist to the left side. Place the right arm on the left thigh as you twist. Do the same on the opposite side. This video will benefit hose viewers who are interested ...

How To: Do a yoga L shape handstand

In this video, Dina Prioste shows us how to do a yoga l-shaped hand stand. Come into a long plank pose and lift your hips up to come into downward dog. Work on getting your back nice and long in this position. Next, sit away from the wall with your feet flat up against the wall. From here, take your hands and flip over into a tabletop position. Now, lift your hips up and come into a short downward dog with your heels against the wall. Now take both feet to the wall to come into the l-shape. R...

How To: Do a yoga half boat and boat pose

In this video, Dina Prioste shows us how to do a yoga half boat and boat pose. Make sure you are warmed up before going into this. First, lie down on your stomach and bring your right arm out and lift your left leg up with your left arm. Try to lift your thigh and leg up while lifting the right arm up as well. Deep breathe while doing this, then hold the position for several seconds. Now, do this on the other side of your body for the same amount of time. For a harder exercise, grab both legs...

How To: Do a yoga sequence to center the mind and regain focus

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to do a mind centering yoga sequence. Begin by sitting back on your heels and brings your hands together in front of your chest. Inhale as you bring the arms out and above your head. Exhale as you place the right hand on the floor and extend the left foot out. Then as you inhale, reach upward with your left hand. Now exhale and return to the starting position. Do this on the opposite side as well. This video will benefit those viewers who are interest...

How To: Do a yoga grasshopper and peacock pose

In this video, Dina Prioste shows us how to do a yoga grasshopper and peacock pose. First, get into a grasshopper pose with your elbows close together. Place your chin on the floor and pick your knees up into the air. Remember to focus on breathing while you are doing this, because it will be challenging. This is a really deep shoulder opener, so it will be difficult if you have no tried it before. Make sure you stretch out well before you do this, or you run the risk of pulling a muscle. You...