Hot Yoga How-Tos
How To: Complete a detoxifying vinyasa yoga sequence with Sadie Nardini
When you think detox, you probably imagine lithe, bony starlets sipping on vegetable juice or lemon water with cayenne pepper. While removing junk from your diet is a common form of detox, you can also remove toxins and cleanse your body by doing exercise.
How To: Release built up tension
This video explains how to release built up tension using De-stress styled Yoga. This type of Yoga requires you sit on your legs while sitting up straight. Taking deep breaths is the first step to begin releasing tension using Yoga. While taking deep breaths you must turn your torso very slowly from left to right. While keeping your legs planted on the ground, stretch your arms forward until the tips of your fingers are touching the ground. Taking frequent deep breaths in between these two Yo...
How To: Do the hastauttanasana (Hand raising pose)
Want to increase your flexibility, tone your back and core, AND relieve stress all at once? It sounds nothing short of a miracle, but with a good yoga practice you can have all three at the same time.
How To: Do the pada hastasana (hand to foot pose)
Want to freak your friends out by walking around looking like a human pretzel? Twist and bend your way to yogi bliss by doing this hand to toe pose, also known as a pada hastasana.
How To: Do the sirsha angushtha yogasana (head to toe pose)
The sirsha angushtha yogasana sounds pretty simple - it's a bending forward pose - but it's actually among the more intermediate yoga poses you can try. In a sort of lunge position, you clasp your arms behind you and bend forward as much as you can, until your head hits the floor if possible.
How To: Do a whole body vinyasa yoga sculpting sequence
People who have never done yoga before think of it as a kind of phony exercise for crunchy granola hippie types where all you do is sit on your butt in the lotus pose and say "Ohm."
How To: Do the Golden Egg yoga posture to energize and improve digestion
The Golden Egg is perhaps more of a state of mind than a posture in yoga. The Golden Egg involves sustaining and concentrating your core strength, creating what Sadie Nardini calls an "abdominal balloon."
How To: Complete a fat burning core strength vinyasa yoga routine
Got an extra thirty minutes today? Cut out that extra episode of "The Big Bang Theory" and give your body and metabolism a treat by completing a high intensity yoga routine.
How To: Complete a relaxing yoga routine to help you sleep
Saying that people have too much stress these days is an understatement. With Twitter, Facebook, and a variety of electronic gadgets occupying our time, there's hardly room to breathe or to relax. This means that more and more of us are finding it difficult to fall asleep.
How To: Differentiate shiva kicks and shakti kicks and build upper arm strength
The shakti principle of yoga is that of movement and dynamism. When applied to actual yoga practice, this moves movement in a pose and out of a pose. Meanwhile, the shiva principle is that of stability and static nature. Both are very important to any yoga practice and can help strengthen your body.
How To: Do yoga arm binds in standing yoga poses
Yoga arm binds are part of what make seasoned yogis look like walking pretzels. Arm binds add difficulty to any yoga pose, testing your flexibility and balance. For this reason, many people find it hard to hold a standing pose with an arm bind, let alone get to an arm bind position.
How To: Complete a short energizing yoga routine with Tara Stiles
People who have never done yoga before often mistakingly think that yoga is simply stretching, and that there's only one kind of yoga. But yoga is so much more than making your body all Gumby-like. There are many different disciplines of yoga, each designed with a different goal in mind (vinyasa, or power yoga, is about working up a sweat through fast yoga flow, while hatha yoga is about meditation).
How To: Do an L-shaped yoga handstand and make some chia lemonade
Balance your life— balance yourself— all with this L-shaped handstand and some chia lemonade. This video will show you the recipe for a healthy chia lemonade drink, full of Omega 3 fatty acid, plus the L-shaped yoga handstand that will help you get a real feel for balance.
How To: Complete the down dog yoga pose for beginners
You know those New Age-y yoga folks who look like human pretzels? As flexible as those contortionist veterans are, they had to start somewhere. And for most yogis, it starts with the downward dog.
How To: Complete the classic eagle yoga pose to increase balance
Okay, we're going to be honest here and let you know up front that the eagle yoga pose ain't no walk in the park. In fact, unless you've already been practicing basic yoga for a while and have gained a decent amount of flexibility and strength you probably shouldn't even attempt this pose for fear of falling down.
How To: Do a balancing toe hold yoga posture
Stretching before and after a workout helps loosen muscles so rather than building bulk you're builidng lean legs and arms. Combine the benefits of stretching with balancing on one foot and you've got a nearly perfect exercise.
How To: Do a calming yoga flow to increase leg flexibility
There are a plethora of reasons why you should practice yoga, from easier breathing to increased flexibility to clearing your mind. But there's another super important reason you should take up the art of the pretzel-limbed: It helps build strength all throughout your body, which means you'll be less likely to pull a muscle or throw out your back in real life.
How To: Perform the cat stretch pose (Marjari Asana) in Yoga
The cat stretch pose, also known as Marjari Asana, is a pose designed to help improve the flexibility of the neck, shoulders and your spine. This position also gives you intense relief from symptoms such as menstrual cramps and leucorrhea. In this video you will get a quick tutorial on how to perform this pose.
How To: Do the half camel pose (Ardha-Ushtrasana) in Yoga
Ardha-Ushtrasana, or Half Camel Pose, is a Yoga pose designed to help strengthen your neck, back, pelvis and abdominal muscles while also helping you to relax. It's great for relieving back ache, rounded back, and drooping shoulders. In this video you will get a quick tutorial on how to perform the pose.
How To: Do vinyasa yoga thigh stretches and toning exercises with Sadie Nardini
Unfortunately, thunder thighs won't just get rid of themselves. And women tend to accumulate fat in the lower body regions, including the belly, hips, and thighs (mostly for childbirth reasons), which makes losing flab in the thigh region even more challenging.
How To: Do a vinyasa yoga belly roll to release serotonin and get rid of cramps
This vinyasa yoga move is quite possibly the simplist yoga move out there, but that doesn't mean it isn't effective. In fact, the belly roll is one of the most effective exercises you can do to reduce stress, relieve menstrual cramps, get rid of insomnia, or just recover from a long and grueling workday glued to your chair.
How To: Do a vinyasa yoga flow to whittle your obliques
Most ab workouts target your upper abdominals only. Sit ups and crunches, for instance, only work on that upper part of your abs without even touching the lower portion, where most of us have muffin tops and really need the work.
How To: Do down dog waves to open up the shoulder and back
The Down Dog yoga pose is so popular that people who have never done yoga before generally know what it entails. But despite how classic the move is and its practice in every yoga studio, lots of people still get the move wrong, over extending the shoulders backward.
How To: Sing "OM" for maximum vibrational healing power
Yoga is centered on centering you, both physically and emotionally. If you're a yoga practitioner then you know how relaxed and rejuvenated you feel after a vinyasa yoga class.
How To: Do a creative core vinyasa yoga flow to tone the lower body and side abs
Most people don't realize this, but yoga is a form of strength training. If you've never done yoga before then you probably think it's nothing but a series of New Age-y stretches that get you in tune with your inner Zen, but yoga is a lot more intensive than that.
How To: Do yoga marichyasanas to increase flexibility all over the body
We can't overstate the importance of stretching in yoga. Yes, you may think that yoga itself is just a bunch of stretches flowing one right into the other, which is true, but there are certain yoga poses aimed strategically at increasing your flexibility so you can do other yoga poses better.
How To: Do the splits with Tara Stiles
Tara Stiles teaches us how to do the splits in this tutorial. Remember not to do this all at once, stretch out your body first. To start, come into a downward dog position while bending the knees and straightening them and deep breathing. Now, bring a foot to the front and keep in this position until flexing the foot while sitting back near the other foot. Lean forward over your front leg, then repeat on the other side of the body. Come back into a downward dog, then do lunges to open up the ...
How To: Strengthen buns, abs, & thighs with Tara Stiles yoga
In this video, we learn how to strengthen buns, abs, & thighs with Tara Stiles yoga. First, stretch out your body on a yoga mat, then come into a downward dog position, raising your back legs in the air. After this, come into a warrior pose, except have both of your hands straight in the air while bending the knees. From here, come into the normal warrior pose, then stretch out both sides of the body by lifting opposite hands up in the air. Next, stretch out your legs as wide as they will go,...
How To: Reduce anxiety using yoga with Tara Stiles
Tara Stiles teaches us how to reduce anxiety using yoga in this video. You can do this any time of the day, and it will help you relax and have some time for yourself. Start by sitting up against a flat surface, and rest your hands on your knees. Close your eyes for a few minutes, following your breath. The thoughts will still happen in your head, but try to focus on your breathe as much as you can. After you do this, take your body to the side and bring your arm around your head while lookin...
How To: Raise your metablism with yoga power poses
In this video, we learn how to raise your metabolism with yoga power poses. The style and level that you do while doing yoga poses can help you burn a lot of calories and sweat. You will work the larger muscles of your body, which will speed up your metabolism and help you burn calories all day long. You can start off with a downward facing dog position, then raising your back foot into the air and bringing it into the chest, switching between each leg. Doing these different yoga exercises ca...
How To: Double down breath to stop smoking, de-stress, detox
Sadie teaches us how to double down breath to stop smoking, de-stress, and detox. A great place to go is to your bathroom, people won't bother you for at least five minutes while you're in here, allowing you to calm down. This will help bring yourself back to center and cleanse your mind, calming down your brain waves. Start by breathing in for four counts through the notes, allowing the ribs to flair wide. Hold this for a moment, then exhale on eight counts from your mouth. Squeeze the belly...
How To: Get started using Strala Yoga with Tara Stiles
In this video, we learn how to get started using strala yoga with Tara Stiles. This type of yoga combines different poses to help you achieve better health. Start off in the plank position on a flat surface, keeping here for several minutes while breathing deep. Keep your belly lifted, lift through the top of your head to the rest of your body. Doing these exercises can keep you healthy and motivated to do workouts and eat healthy during the week and weekend. This will help you relax and feel...
How To: Build body core strength with yoga
In this video, we learn how to build body core strength with yoga. Start out seated on your yoga mat with legs crossed, then gently roll the body back and then to the front again. Remember to use your core strength during this, not your arms to help push and pull you. Hold your abs in to create resistance and strength in them. Continue this sequence by raising your body up and stretching out the different areas of your body. Use control and make sure not to strain your muscles while stretchin...
How To: Improve your yoga with the hara breath
In this video, we learn how to improve your yoga with the hara breath. Start by sitting down on your yoga mat and become centered in your body. You will start to breathe in different poses by placing your hands underneath your navel. Close your eyes and envision the center of energy that's in your body. Close your eyes and deep breathe, inhaling and screening energy into your body. Feel your body fueling up with energy and block out all the negative thoughts from your mind. As you do this, fe...
How To: Achieve strong and toned shoulders, back, and arms with a yoga flow
Yoga is a lot more intense and difficult than those who have not done it before believe. Don't believe us? Whip out a sticky mat and try this five minute yoga flow for yourself to discover how much muscular intensity goes into flowing and holding each position.
How To: Do a morning "wake up" yoga routine with Tara Stiles
Even if you're a seasoned yoga veteran, you know how hard it can be to roll out of bed at six A.M. in the morning and do that first down dog. Stiff joints, hamstrings that haven't been stretched out, and groginess probably don't help to wak you up pleasantly.
How To: Do a twisty vinyasa yoga flow sequence
Vinyasa yoga, also known as power yoga, is a strength-building form of yoga that alternates between traditional yoga poses quickly so that yoga becomes a moderate intensity cardio workout as well.
How To: Do the upward bow (wheel) yoga pose
Have you ever wanted to be your own means of transportation? No, we're not talking about walking, but rather contorting your body into a wheel. Sound painful? It is, to be sure, but it looks pretty darn cool!
How To: Lose weight using yoga with Tara Stiles
In this tutorial, we learn how to lose weight using yoga with Tara Stiles. Start off by stretching out your body, then go into a downward facing dog position. Now position yourself so that your hands are on the floor and your are bringing your leg in and out, while stretching it into the air and up against your body> do this again wit the other leg when you're done. Next, go into a warrior position and stretch your body on both sides. After this, stretch out your legs and bring them into diff...
How To: Do a spine-straightening yoga exercise
In this free video yoga lesson, you'll learn an exercise to strengthen and straighten your spine. With yoga, as with any physical fitness system, a basic mastery of proper technique is essential for both maximizing the effectiveness of your workouts and avoiding accidental injury. For more information, and to get started using this yoga exercise yourself, watch this handy home-fitness how-to..